Yin Yoga is a mostly seated practice with a focus on releasing the stress and tension in the diverse layers of the body and mind.
Yin is an adaptable and accessible practice of longer held poses that offer a simple and potent emphasis on making space in your life to heal, reenergize and harmonize.
Danielle Hoogenboom is a Vancouver based yoga teacher and event producer with a deep interest in empowerment through education and conscious events. She offers teacher trainings, workshops and wellness products worldwide with a focus on radical self-care and creative spirit
All levels welcomed
Walk with a mat or a towel as mats are no longer available.
New JAYA T-shirts on sale $ 1,000
New suggested minimum contribution: $600
For additional information:
www.JamaicaYogaAssociation.org | JamaicaYogaAssociation@gmail.com | facebook.com/JamaicaYogaAssociation