Jah9 Gratitude
/YES YES! What an honour to have some yoga cameos in this amazing video from my good friend Jah9. You can have a peak here at some of the shoots we did at Kingston Dub club for your Yoga on Dub class, and some other great shots of me rocking out yoga in the hills of St. Ann.
I am also honoured and stoked to have Jah9 rocking my drop bottoms and racer back tank in the beginning of the video, sporting the unisexy pants in the youth class outside, and then the new hoodie being rocked in her Yoga on Dub class in Malta. My name and biz name arrives in the credits, what an excellent surprise!
The best part of being part of this video (minus the whole OMG teenage dream to be in a reggae video since I sorted sporting dreadlocks 16 years ago!) is that its authentic and based on my personal and professional friends with both Jah9 as an artist, but the rest of the team of creative rebels showcased in that video. These are my friends in this video, their dreams and visions are fruiting just like mine. There is a saying in Jamaica, "iron sharpens iron' and its true. We need our friends and community to reach these amazing dreams and to shout out to the world all the big badass things that are happening that don't always get exposure. Love and Honour to all the dreamers out there, keep dreaming!