Yinhouse Virtual Retreat this Weekend!


Many Blessings. We are hosting a special Yinhouse Virtual Retreat this coming weekend from the evening of June 18th and all day on Saturday June 19th and all day on Sunday June 20th. Peep the schedule below!

This was set and planned for the Yin School Rebels, our sweet crew of studying and sharing Yinnies that have joined us for the last year or so in our Virtual Yin School first cohort. It is a celebration of learning, studying and practicing with both lectures, classes and special guests. Part retreat, part nerd camp!

We have decided to open up the event to our larger Yin Fam, that’s YOU! Thinking about all the great ones that have passed through our schools and events over the years and I didn’t want to leave you out on this virtual yin fest.

So we are making space for you to join us live, or in the recordings afterwards. We have also decided to offer this at sliding scale, knowing that some of you just want to come for the 5 yin studio classes, and others of you are stoked for the lectures and the guest teachers. It is best suitable for those with yin experience, but also really great if you would like to bring your yin curious friend as well. It will be live via zoom and also will be recorded so you can catch up on the ones you missed.

You can register by email with Danielle at Danielle@lovelightyoga.com

Friday June 18th Schedule. All Times in PDT.

6-6:30pm Yinformal Hellos: Roll in at your own pace, say hello to your friends, get set up.

6:30-7pm: Yintroductions: Lets take a moment to Yintroduce yourselves and where we are yinning from in this beautiful world. This event can be for extroverts that want to video and chat, and also yintroverts, you can camera off and keep it to chats in the chat box. Come as you are, with zero pressure!

7-8:30pm Yoga Nidra with Dia Penning. This amazing ‘yogic sleep’ class is led by one of our LLY Lead Yinstructors Dia. Her social justice lens and equity framework live and breath in these restful practices, as our rest is our resistance, and our rest is our revolutions. Prepare yourself with props to stretch and get comfy.

Saturday June 19th Schedule: All times in PDT.

11-12:30pm Long Holds Yin with Danielle: Yin Studio Class, set up your props and lets dive in.

12:30pm-1pm: Snack Break and Digital Tea: Stay and chat, or step away and take a moment for yourself.

1-2:30pm: MyoYin with Jamie de Koning: Combining ball therapy and yin shapes to assist with releasing built up tension between the myofascial layers.

2:30-3pm: Snack Break and Digital Tea.

3-5pm: Shapes Lab with Danielle: Lets take this time to explore our shapes in community, to share, see each others favourite variations, ask questions and learn new ways to prop, support and experiment in these shapes. Part practice and part discussion.

5-5:30pm. Snack Break and Digital Tea

5:30-7pm Yin Flow with Danielle: Adding gentle flow to these yin shapes and linking a series of yin forms together to express the fluidity within the stillness.

7-9pm Sonic Yinfusion with the Di Universal Ear: Live from Kingston, Jamaica: All are invited to flow through their own motions assisted by music. Simple samples of shapes, shared by yours truly assist in real ease with rhythm. Tune een, and Yin-tegr8 the lessons as you listen!

Sunday June 20th. All times are in PDT.

11-12:30pm:Body Poetry: Yin with Danielle: Join us for the morning session that will be fulfilled with sweet poems and delicious shapes.

12:30pm-1pm. Snack Break and Digital Tea

1-2:30pm: Yinanatomy with Nurse Jenn: Our FAV Yin Nurse is back to share more about breathing and digestion in relationship to our yin practice and overall internal health.

2:30-3pm: BREAK, snack light for the next class is YANG!

3-5:30pm: Introduction to Astanga with Shakira Williams: In this all-levels workshops on the mechanics of breath (how our bodies act as we breathe), the role of Prana(yama) as a limb of the practice of yoga and how we can apply and modify these simple yet powerful principles to asana and meditation practices.

5:30-6:30pm Yintentions with Danielle: Taking this moment to reflect on this offering, and set Yintentions for the Solstice.

6:30-7pm: Break

7-9pm: Solstice Yin with Danielle: A deep dive into the sweetness of the changing seasons, a moment to reflect and a big exhale for the seasons that past.

Guest Teacher Bios

Dia Penning

As a US born, mixed race, x-large sized human, Dia has honed an ability to hold paradox with gentleness and to move between many realities simultaneously.

Dia supports clients and students in the examination of limiting patterns. In both yoga and anti-racism workshops, she focuses on breath and body awareness, bringing a deeper understanding to the to physical and psychological tensions that arise in reaction to unexamined habits of white supremacy.

Whether with twelve students in a yoga workshop, fifty board members trying to develop strategic anti-racism processes or a thousand conference attendees intent on burning the patriarchy the ground, Dia focuses on the individual needs of her clients and the collective needs of their communities. She centers transformation in the container of the body, invites an exploration of structural inequity, and demonstrate sensation as a parallel to our shared discomfort with evolution.

Shakira Williams Bouwer

Level 1 Authorised Ashtanga Teacher 

Sadhana Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga Jamaica

Shakira first discovered yoga in 1999, while looking for a way to find deep peace and relaxation with her busy work, study and fitness schedules.  In her journey of almost twenty years, she studied a number of different forms of yoga asana practice including Vinyasa Flow, Iyengar and Anusara yoga before finding the Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga method.  A daily practitioner in this method, she believes in the transformative and healing power of yoga both on and off the mat and that the practice and benefits of yoga practice should be available to all, regardless of appearance, body type, ethnicity, creed or spiritual belief.  In 2014, she made her third trip to Mysore, India to continue to study with R. Sharath Jois, the grandson of Shri K Pattabhi Jois and director of the K Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute and was given his blessing to teach the Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga. She continues to make extended study trips to the source of Ashtanga to deepen her understanding of this transformative method.  She has also assisted her root teachers Kino MacGregor and Tim Feldmann in further intensives, taught at the Downtown Nassau Yoga Festival in the Bahamas and at Land Yoga in Harlem, New York, in continuing to deepen her knowledge of practical instruction and application of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga.

Her teaching style is Traditional Mysore-Style and the traditional Counted Guided Ashtanga yoga as well as a fun and challenging Ashtanga-based Flow called Form, Focus, Flow, influenced by the powerful principles of joyful awareness, safe and healthy alignment and loving action from other schools of asana practice. Above all, she is passionate about sharing yoga as a healing, sustainable and spiritual practice for life. She teaches Studio, Private and Corporate classes in Kingston Jamaica. 

Jamie De Koning

My name is Jamie. I am a mama lama and yin rebel.

I love to teach all different styles of yoga but true to my heart is Yin yoga and kids yoga. In today's lifestyles we are non-stop go go go. Yin Yoga helps you truly be in the present moment and enjoy the stillness of the body, mind and breath. To really listen to what our bodies, hearts and minds are telling us. Step out of a Yang world and come to the Yin side!

Kids also have busy lifestyles. Little time to "just be". I enjoy teaching kids and providing tools so that kids can find ways to stay calm, stay healthy, love and respect their bodies, find peace within themselves and of course have lots of fun doing it.

Little Lights Yoga specializes in kids yoga and yin yoga. Central Alberta's Registered Children's Yoga Teacher (RCYT).

Little Lights provides kids, teen and adult yoga classes in the Red Deer and surrounding area. Our on-site services to schools, camps, preschools, day cares/day homes, studios, community programs, birthday parties and yoga play dates bring the benefits of yoga practices to all ages

Passionate about providing tools to kids and adults through the practice of yoga so that they can find peace, love, and let their inner light shine bright 

Di Universal Ear

Man & WOMB~manifesting frequencies from all nations, I aim to share sounds that inspire healing and expansion of being. Knowing the concept of genre to be only a filter The Universal Ear channels frequency without limits, banishing bias and condemning censorship.

Having established a love for music at an early age, the desire to share music with those I love grew more and more.

From sharing selections at family link ups to carrying mix-tape and CDs to field trips... to setting up sound and playing at house parties... to sessions on internet radio... to selecting for charity events and volunteer groups... Music was the meeting place.

Swimming deeper into sonic seas... Selections and curations gave way to sound sculpting. The stage, the instruments, the band and the crowd hold a power that proved irresistible to tune into. Live music mixing is now a passion and art being explored extensively. ~~~

Always collaborating and learning from fellow musical missionaries on the field, experience has increased yet humility, patience and focus in service remains a standard.

I seek to open minds, alter concepts of awareness and states of being through musical means.

I aim to be the channel through which your auditory experience is established.

I hope to inspire those who seek motivation to be inspirations themselves.

Collaboratively harmonizing in unison, our communal effort will create clear success and memorable musical moments.

All are welcome! The Universe shall ear.

Nurse Jenn Skillen

Jenn Skillen is a nurse, an artist, and a seemingly perpetual student of Yin Yoga.  Jenn is interested in the connection between these three passions, exploring the parallels between the scientific and the spiritual, finding the science behind TCM and Yin, and creating artwork that attempts to balance these seemingly conflicting concepts.

Affectionately known at LLY as “Nurse Jenn”, recently Jenn has been sharing her knowledge of internal anatomy to enrich the education of the Yin School students, helping to create a world where Science and Yoga can live in harmony and balance.

Jenn has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts, and is currently enrolled in post-graduate specialty nursing education.  She teaches art workshops in between nursing shifts, and is trying to find the courage to teach yoga classes on her own.